ISSN & Publication dates


ISSN: 1784-3227

Publication dates

Vol. x (1): March

The first issue of the year is composed entirely by the end of December of the previous year, the first proof is prepared by the publisher Universa Press by mid-January and the issue is printed by the end of January. This issue contains all the abstracts of the Belgian Week of Gastroenterology and needs to be distributed during the Belgian Week of that particular year (in February). The articles will be published on our website by 31 March. This issue is sent out by Universa Press to the subscribers, bookshops and members of the VVGE and SRBGE in the beginning of April.

Vol. x (2): June

The first proof is prepared by Universa Press by mid-June and the issue is printed by the end of June. The articles will be published on our website by 10 July. This issue is sent out by Universa Press to the subscribers, bookshops and members of the VVGE and SRBGE in the beginning of July.

Vol. x (3): September

The first proof is prepared by Universa Press by mid-September and the issue is printed by the end of September. The articles will be published on our website by 10 October. This issue is sent out by Universa Press to the subscribers, bookshops and members of the VVGE and SRBGE in the beginning of October.

Vol. x (4): December

The first proof is prepared by Universa Press by mid-December and the issue is printed by the end of December. The articles will be published on our website by 10 January of the next year. This issue is sent out by Universa Press to the subscribers, bookshops and members of the VVGE and SRBGE in the beginning of January of the next year.