Home » AGEB Journal » Issues » Volume 68 » Fasc.2 - Case reports

Volume 68 - 2005 - Fasc.2 - Case reports

Broken stent in oesophageal malignancy : A rare complication

Metallic expandable stents are used increasingly for palliative treatment of inoperable malignant tumours of oesophagus to improve dysphagia. We report a rare case of oesophageal stent fracture that was broken and left in situ within the stomach uneventfully until the end of the patient's life after the application of another stent. (Acta gastroenterol. belg., 2005, 68, 264-266).


oesophageal perforation by an anterior cervical fixation device : Management in debilitated patients

oesophageal perforation following anterior cervical fixation has been reported in the neurosurgical and orthopaedic literature as a rare complication of such procedure. The complications asso- ciated with oesophageal perforation may range from minor symp- toms to mediastinitis and death. We report two oesophageal perforations following cervical fix- ation device migration in patients with poor prognosis, managed successfully with conservative surgical and endoscopic techniques. (Acta gastroenterol. belg., 2005, 68, 267-269).


A rare extrahepatic syndrome related to acute hepatitis type B : Epididymitis in an adolescent

Hepatitis B is a common, vaccine-preventable infection with high mortality and morbidity rates worldwide. Numerous extra- hepatic syndromes have been described in patients with either acute or chronic viral hepatitis B. But there is no previous report of co-existence of HBV infection and epididymitis in the English literature. We would like to present and discuss a 12-year-old male patient with epididymitis that might be relation exist with an underlying acute hepatitis B infection. (Acta gastroenterol. belg., 2005, 68, 270-271).


EUS-guided endoscopic resection using band ligation of oesophageal granular cell tumour : Report of a case

A 60-year-old Japanese man was referred for treatment of a poly- poid oesophageal tumour. Radiographic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract disclosed a nodule with central depression in the lower esophagus. By endoscopy the nodule was yellowish and appeared submucosal. Endoscopic ultrasonography demonstrated a hypoechoic solid tumour limited in submucosa without lymph node involvement. Endoscopic resection using band ligation was per- formed under guidance by endoscopic ultrasonography. By histo- logic examination the tumour consisted of large cells arranged in nests. These cells had abundant granular cytoplasm and small round nuclei. They expressed S-100 protein and were CD68, and periodic acid-Schiff positive. No expression of a-smooth muscle actin was noted. The tumour was limited in submucosa. Findings were consistent with complete endoscopic resection. This report may be the first concerning an oesophageal granular cell tumour successfully treated with EUS-guided endoscopic resection using band ligation. (Acta gastroenterol. belg., 2005, 68, 272-275).


A patient who survived total colonic ulcerative colitis surinfected by cytomegalovirus complicated by toxic megacolon and disseminated intravascu- lar coagulation


Lipohyperplasia of the ileocecal valve as a cause of intussusception

We present a case of lipohyperplasia of the ileocecal valve caus- ing episodes of intussusception, and visualized by abdominal ultrasound and CT as a "target - like" appearance. At surgery, a large yellow soft mass was in the region of the ileocecal valve, rais- ing the suspicion of lipohyperplasia. Resection of the fatty tissue from the ileocecal valve was performed at operation, after histo- logic diagnosis on frozen section. Our case suggests that limited resection removing the terminal ileum is effective and preferable to more extensive resection. (Acta gastroenterol. belg., 2005, 68, 233- 235).