Volume 68 - 2005 - Fasc.4 - Case series
A review of conservative and surgical management of anal fissure
Background : Anal fissures are one of the common perianal conditions presenting with bleeding, itching, and pain of varying severity. The method of treating this pathology should preferably be the one that results in optimal clinical outcome, is less painful, and is patient friendly. Despite a plethora of techniques in vogue, an ideal management of this condition continues to be a subject of debate.
Materials and Methods : A Medline database was used to per- form a literature search for articles relating to the term 'anal fis- sure' .
Conclusion : Analysis of the available literature shows that by far, medical manipulation of the internal sphincter should be the first-line treatment in anal fissure. A surgical therapy is called for if the medical therapy fails or there is a recurrence (Acta gastro- enterol. belg., 2005, 68, 446-450).