Home » AGEB Journal » Issues » Volume 86 » Fasc.2 - Case series

Volume 86 - 2023 - Fasc.2 - Case series

Diverticulitis associated pancreatitis: a report of 2 cases and review of the literature

Duodenal diverticula are the second most common type of digestive diverticula after those in the colon. They are present in approximately 27% of patients who undergo upper digestive endoscopy. Most of these diverticula, especially those located near the papilla, are asymptomatic. However, in rare cases, they can be associated with obstructive jaundice (Lemmel Syndrome), bacterial infection, pancreatitis, or bleeding. In this report, we present two cases of acute obstructive pancreatitis caused by duodenal diverticulitis. Both patients were managed conservatively, resulting in a positive outcome.


Hyperferritinemia and non-HFE hemochromatosis: differential diagnosis and workup

Hyperferritinemia is a common reason for referral to a hepatogastroenterologist. The most frequent causes are not associated with iron overload (e.g. inflammatory diseases, alcohol abuse, metabolic syndrome, etc.). However, hyperferritinemia can also be caused by a genetic variant in one of the iron regulatory genes, called hereditary hemochromatosis, often but not always associated with iron overload. A variation in the human Hemostatic Iron Regulator protein (HFE) gene is the most common genotype, but many other variants have been described. In this paper we discuss two cases of rare hyperferritinemia associated disorders, ferroportin disease and hyperferritinemia-cataract syndrome. We also propose an algorithm for evaluating hyperferritinemia, facilitating a correct diagnosis and preventing potentially unnecessary examinations and therapeutic actions.